When a Problem becomes Apparent

When you don’t have any savings, it’s not yet a problem.
It becomes one when you don’t know how to save money and you wonder where it all went.

When you don’t buy life insurance, it’s not yet a problem.
It becomes one when sickness, accident or death happens in the family and your family is dependent on you financially.

When you are not interested in anything related to investment, it’s not yet a problem.
It becomes one when you have a child to send to school and you don’t have enough money to pay for the tuition fee.

When you are not interested in planning for your retirement, it’s not yet a problem.
It becomes one when you retire and you don’t have enough money to pay for the bills.

When you are not interested to save, invest or buy insurance today, it’s not yet a problem.
It becomes one when you don’t have the money to spend for expected or unexpected events in your life.

Think of education, income protection, retirement or health. You see, these priorities in life ie., spending for your child’s education, protecting your income, preparing for your retirement or setting up a health fund – all these require money and they involve time.

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There’s a saying that the best time to plant a tree is twenty years ago. If you have not done it yet, the best time is now. Applying the same principle, if you do not plan for your future now, be prepared to reap the consequences later on.

Don’t wait for the problem to become apparent. Do something now to avoid it later on. The power to make things happen is in your hands.

Principle to learn: Do something today that your future self will thank you for.

Talk to me on how you can avoid this problem.

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